Cuadernos de Medicina Forense
115 ESTIMACIÓN DE LA EDAD. ESTUDIO DE LA EPÍFISIS PROXIMAL DE LA CLAVÍCULA Garamendi González PM, et al. CUADERNOS DE MEDICINA FORENSE AS O C I AC I Ó N D E M É D I C O S FO R E N S ES D E A N DA LU C Í A S O C I E DA D A N DA LU Z A D E M E D I C I N A L EG A L Y C I E N C I AS FO R E N S ES ( A M FA- SA M E LC I F ) Cuad Med Forense. 2023; 26(2):101- 115 47. Gurses MS, Inanir NK, Gokalp G et al. Evaluation of age estimation in forensic medicine by examina- tion of medial clavicular ossification from thin-sli- ce computed tomography images. Int J Legal Med.2016;130:1343–1352 48. Houpertt , Rerolle C, Savall F et al. Is a CT-scan of the medial clavicle epiphysis a good exam to attest to the 18-year threshold in forensic age es- timation? Forensic Sci Int.2016;260:103.e1–103.e3 49. Gurses MS, Inanir NK, Soylu E et al. Evaluation of the ossification of the medial clavicle according to the Kellinghaus substage system in identi- fying the 18-year-old age limit in the estima- tion of forensic age—is it necessary?. Int J Legal Med.2017;131:585–592 50. Ramadan SU, Gurses MS, Inanir NT. Evaluation of the medial clavicular epiphysis according to the Schmeling and Kellinghaus method in living indi- viduals: A retrospective CT study. Legal Med (Tok- yo).2017;25:16-22. 51. Torimitsu S, Makino Y, Saitoh H et al. Age estima- tion based on maturation of the medial clavi- cular epiphysis in a Japanese population using multidetector computed tomography. Legal Med (Tokyo).2019;37:28-32 52. Shedge R, Kanchan T, Garg PK et al. Compu- ted tomographic analysis of medial clavicular epiphyseal fusion for age estimation in Indian population. Legal Med (Tokyo).2020;46:101735. 53. Schmidt S, Mühler M, Schmeling A et al. Mag- netic resonance imaging of the clavicular ossi- fication. Int J Legal Med.2007;121:321–324 54. Hollnberger J. Validierung der ossifikation der medialen claviculaepiphyse mit der magnetre- sonanztomgrafie. [Dissertation]. Jena, Germany: Medizinischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Schi- ller-Universität Jena.2010. 76 p 55. Hillewig E, Degroote J, van der Paelt T et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the sternal ex- tremity of the clavicle in forensic age estima- tion: towards more sound age estimates. Int J Legal Med.2013;127:677–689 56. Tangmose S, Jensen KE, Villa C, Lynnerup N. Forensic age estimation from the clavicle using 1.0T MRI—preliminary results. Forensic Sci Int.2014;234:7–12 57. Vieth V, Schulz R, Brinkmeier et al. Age estima- tion in U-20 football players using 3.0 tesla MRI of the clavicle. Forensic Sci Int.2014;241:118–122 58. Schmidt S, Henke DA, Wittschieber D et al. Op- timising magnetic resonance imaging-based evaluation of the ossification of the medial cla- vicular epiphysis: a multi-centre study. Int J Le- gal Med.2016;130:1615–1621 59. Schmidt S, Ottow C, Pfeiffer H et al. Magne- tic resonance imaging-based evaluation of ossification of the medial clavicular epiphy- sis in forensic age assessment. Int J Legal Med.2017;131:1665–1673 Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Garamendi-González PM, Rodes-Lloret F, Camacho-Santos R, Núñez-Hernández S, Ordóñez de Haro AB. Estimación forense de la edad basada en el estudio de la epífisis proximal de la clavícula. Actualización y factores de interferencia. Cuad Med Forense. 2023; 26(2): 101- 115. DOI: 10.59457/cmf.2023.26.02. org04