Homicidio por estrangulación a lazo. A propósito de un caso
Homicide by strangulation with a rope. A case at point
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):5-12.
Vol. 10 Num. 36 (2004)
Abril 2004
Homicidio por estrangulación a lazo. A propósito de un caso
Homicide by strangulation with a rope. A case at point
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):5-12.
Heat-related mortality in Bizkaia during the Summer 2003 heat wave. Forensic experience
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):13-18.
Reflections on Law 34/2003 (1). General considerations on the indemnization tables for personal damage
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):19-28.
Death caused by non ranked injuries in politraumatism with prevailing skull injuries
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):29-34.
Bioquímica postmortem: comparación de tres métodos de análisis
Post-mortem biochemistry: a comparison of three analytical methods
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):35-40.
The role of the Forensic Physician at the Death Scene Investigation. A proposal for a document. (Guidelines for Death Scene Investigation)
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):41-57.
Prueba Pericial
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):59-63.
Bibliofilia Médicolegal
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):69-70.
Comentario de libros
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):71-63.
Revisión legislativa
Cuad Med Forense. 2004; 10(36):75-79.